dimanche 27 mai 2007

Martel : Black and White #2

L'Eglise Saint Maur

The Church Saint Maur

21 commentaires:

Tara a dit…

This is a very nice black and white photo! Thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonyme a dit…

oui j'aime bien le noir et blanc mais je préfere le coté rock'n roll pour un cliché b&w mais sinon c'est sympathique sur ce blog je revienderai...

a prestu è amicizia...

julia a dit…

Black and white can be just perfect. This one is cool. I've never seen that specific style of church tower before. It looks very appropriate there, suits the place.

julia a dit…

PS You must be very busy at the W/E catching up on the net! Have fun as well.

Mountainboy a dit…

I do prefer black & white, and yours are great examples.
Cheers. MB

Mandi a dit…

Love the black and white it gives it's a classic look.

Dave a dit…

J'aime que l'oiseau encerclant l'église, fait cela dit n'importe quoi. ..I prodige.

freefalling a dit…


Michi - Fotoblog a dit…

Wonderful pictures. Your B&W Pictures are great examples.
Have much fun!

Bergson a dit…

le noir et blanc me plait bien.
Bonne continuation

Lothiane a dit…

I like this a lot! Very good choice with the black and white. It makes me want to start taking more b/w-photos again. :)

Irina a dit…

This is a very beautiful church, I love Gothic architecture.
As for black&white, I can't say I'm fond of it. Modern photography looks a bit unnatural when colourless (there are exceptions, of course). I like this photo, although previous one, with town panorama, would look better in colours, IMHO.

Thank you for visiting my blog an leaving a comment.

エスタ a dit…

the black and white definitely work better with the lighting, there is more contrast making for a stronger picture...personally i love taking vivid colours...although i do enjoy looking at b&w☆

Jean a dit…

You make me want to go back to black and white photos - these are so dramatic!
I adjusted my blog so you can make comments. Thank you for your alert.

TOG a dit…

Color gives us the story, but
B&W givess us art. Long live art.

Unknown a dit…

Wonderful photos!

Lori a dit…

This is lovely and I liked seeing the bird in flight in the photo. Your black and white photos definitely create a mood. You should show us more photos of this beautiful church!

Kala a dit…

i can even see a bird flying in the sky! Nice indeed

black feline a dit…

is that a bird or an UFO?

Kate a dit…

A very skillfully executed photo. I'm also intrigued by the name of the church since rearranging the letters will spell my name. Interesting, to me at least;)

Cergie a dit…

Oui l'oiseau apporte beacoup à la photo
Le noir et blanc est une solution de facilité parfois car avec on n'a plus besoin de faire attention au ciel
Mais il faut essayer d'avoir de bons contrastes alors.
Parfois le Noir et Blanc est indispensable, pour les photos très graphique cela peut être un plus