samedi 19 mai 2007

Martel : The place of the consul

La place des consuls (avec le Palais de la Raymondie et la Halle).

The place of the consuls (with the Palace of Raymondie and the Market).

Vieille carte postale.
Old postcard

18 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Beautiful comparison!

* berzy * a dit…

Love your pictures and love your Site.


Manuel Tendero Gil a dit…

hola he dado un repaso a tu blog me gusta un saludo

hpy a dit…

Ca n'a pas changé énormément!

inspired a dit…

yes i like the old and the new..

Peter a dit…

Nice to see that hardly anything has changed. Only a few more flags over the gate!

lv2scpbk a dit…

Very nice restoriation. They've look like they kept it close or exact.

isa a dit…

Wow! Nothing has changed...well, maybe the hour on the clock ;-)

Kate a dit…

A beautiful clock tower, and how clever of you to add the second, older postcard picture!

jenni a dit…

I love these kinds of comparisons! My hubby and I traveled through France & Germany in the early nineties comparing the country to the old postcards from his grandfather. I look forward to seeing more!

Emilieee a dit…

Wow! It seems like it hasn't changed at all. Just gorgeous.

Ted a dit…

Lovely. I wonder, was their ever a function to the coupala on the roof? Or was that ornamentation? Since form usually follows function, and since that thing was in the old card as well, I'm curious regarding why it was installed, probably with steps?

Thanks for sharing

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M.Benaut a dit…

The old Architecture is magnificent. I especially love the old cobblestones on the road too.

Beetle a dit…

I like to make comparison of before and after,it will brings many WOW and feels real of the living and time past.

Lori a dit…

A lovely photo, and thanks for showing us the postcard too. It has hardly changed at all. That's amazing! I love the cobblestones too.

Dave a dit…

You live in a beautiful ancient town.

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Ah, l'avantage des villages protégés c'est qu'ils ne sont pas abimés. Pas trop de différence entre hier et aujourd'hui !

PS - la cité des sept tours se traduit par "seven towers", pas "seven turns" - ce serait bien de corriger ton titre.
Bon week-end !

black feline a dit… time flies...and the amazing still looks the same as before...