dimanche 3 juin 2007

Martel : The Gambetta place

La place Gambetta.
The Gambetta place.

21 commentaires:

Nikon a dit…

I love how you incorporate the vintage photos, very nice touch.

Lothiane a dit…

Very nice! Seems like a lot of the buildings are still there.

NorthBayPhoto a dit…

Great photo and great scene.

isa a dit…

Wonderful scene! Are those mountains or clouds in the background?

sonia a. mascaro a dit…


julia a dit…

Old or new -very appealing. Nothing new and out of character, is consistent. You almost got the exact view.Was something in the way. Having a busy W/E !

pusa a dit…

this is nice, showing us the old place and how it looks today

Beetle a dit…

Ohh very nice photo and brilliant idea to put before and after...let us feels the life that is going on there

Peter a dit…

As I already said, very good idea to compare "how it was" and "how it is". I guess that if you visit Martel today you cannot any more go to "Hotel de la Pyramide"? Ibis?

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Tres sympa les photos avant-apres, et on a l'impression que ca n'a pas beaucoup change !

Lori a dit…

Wow! You live in such a beautiful place! This is such a lovely photo with beautiful light. It would be nice to take a stroll on that street. Merci!

inspired a dit…

Another V/Good now and then sHoT.. :)

Tara a dit…

What a lovely view! It is nice again to see older buildings well cared for and preserved for future generations.

Mary.M.. (mi foto) a dit…

Une idée originale voir la place aujourd'hui et la comparer à la photo de l'hier.
La place dans b/n est très jolie!

Disculpez par la langue, il est traduit.

lyliane six a dit…

La rue n'a pas beaucoup changée,c'est heureux de conserver ces beaux villages,car dans le mien du bord de la frontière belge,il y a tant d'autoroutes qui passent maintenant, que beaucoup de rues de ma jeunesse ont malheureusement disparues.

Poly a dit…

This city is fantastic, beatifull, and your ohoste are pretty.


Bergson a dit…

The old photographs were prettier

there were much less cars

alice a dit…

Ca n'a pas tellement changé, finalement, à part les charettes bien sûr!

SeePearrl a dit…

voww...you have beautiful pics in your blog!!

Cergie a dit…

J'aime beaucoup taphoto de maintenat on dirait vraiment une peinture à l'huile
Les tons en sont très légers

black feline a dit…

is the hotel still there?