samedi 2 juin 2007

Martel : The house Delfour-Couderc

la maison delfour-couderc dans la rue droite
the house delfour-couderc in the right street

15 commentaires:

Nikon a dit…

Great shot, I love the archive photo.

Peter a dit…

Really nice to compare! I have already done it, but rather with some old paintings, but I know of a site with a lot of old Paris photos, so I may steal your idea one day.

I could not read what kind of shop this was? Do you know when it was closed?

alice a dit…

Donc, si je comprends bien, l'un de ces petits garçons aux grands chapeaux serait un arrière-arrière-arrière grand-parent de notre ami olivier? J'adore ces vieilles photos!

Dsole a dit…

oh, I love the contrast between the yesterday and today...

Janet a dit…

I your before and after idea. Our town would be one big museum if all our old homes and buildings still looked like they did "before."
I also like those shutters. We had shutters on the front windows of the old home I grew up in. Sure was nice to be able to close them before a storm.

sonia a. mascaro a dit…

I like so much those photos "before" and "after"! It's very interesting to compare! You give me an amazing idea for post! Thank you!

Thanks for your visiting on my place and nice comment! Have a good weekend!

iBlowfish a dit…

Interesting, after years the different just additional iron bars. How old is the house?

Anonyme a dit…

This is a very nice post. The before with family and store or shop and after a home. It is nice to see the old shops being used today.

les maudites a dit…

Quelle bonne idée ce "before-after !

Lori a dit…

A great before and after post! What a pretty house, and the older photo is so interesting. I love to see contrasts like this. You will have to tell us what kind of shop it was. (And which one of the boys is Olivier's great, great, grandfather!)

Anonyme a dit…

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did because I have enjoyed looking through your blog as well.

I love this post and especially so since it was Olivier's great grandparent's home. What a wonderful piece of history to have in your family.

I will be back and am looking forward to seeing more of Martel through your eyes. :)

Tara a dit…

Great photos! It's interesting to compare how buildings and houses change over the years. It's also nice that people choose to renovate and keep alive the memory of older buildings, rather than tear them down for something new.

Dina a dit…

wow that is so great , i love to see photos from the old age.

Bergson a dit…

J"aime well before and after photographs

They give us an idea of the evolution of the world


This is such a good idea Martel! I particularly love the contrast. The old picture leaves us pondering...what happended to all those people...its beautiful!