dimanche 15 juillet 2007

Creysse : Sight

Vue de Creysse
Sight of Creysse

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

This looks like it could be a scene out of a spooky movie :)

Beautiful building

Neva a dit…

This is a beautiful view....I really like it.

Nikon a dit…

A beautiful scene, nice place to live :)

Kate a dit…

There are so many interesting elements in the photo: brooding sky, texture of the stones, the cypress (?) tree and the feeling of starkness or foreboding.

Peter a dit…

Sorry, but I have not visited your blog for a while, which I regret. You make a lot, including some very nice pictures, of a small place like Martel! (It's somehow easier when you have Paris as playground.)

lyliane six a dit…

Magnifique église romane! Le village ne sert il pas pour tourner des films dont l'action se situe au moyen Age ou au 19ème siècle?, car tout y est conservé.

Cergie a dit…

Ou je me trompe ou il y a ici un magnifique contre-jour.
Tu as privilégié le ciel / la pelouse et tu as bien fait. Il est splendide.